House Ecaz
Coming soon...
"Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders."
After picking a faction, you are able to select 2 Councilors that will shape your playstyle throughout the game.
+ Gain +10% Landsraad Standing
"The Lady Jessica is Duke Leto’s concubine. Although she is a Bene Gesserit, her loyalty always goes to house Atreides before the Sisterhood."
"One of Leto’s must trusted men and House Atreides’ Swordmaster. Duncan was tasked with being Leto’s ambassador to the Fremen upon their arrival on Arrakis."
+ Can speed up mission progress and construction of Village Buildings at the cost of Solari
"Thufir is an elderly Mentat—a human computer—, and also House Atreides’ Master of Assassins. Renowned in the Landsraad for being both outstandingly cunning and honorable, Thufir is also a master in the art of war and political instruction."
+ Military units start with 1 more Experience level
"Warmaster and poet, Gurney’s indefectible loyalty and long service to House Atreides earned him the status of valued friend and confident. While not exactly a handsome man, his combined abilities to sing and fight without missing a note make him both a charismatic and fearsome fighter."
+ While at least one Village is under Oppression: Gain +20% Influence production & +100% Agent recruitment speed
"Glossu’s younger brother and the Baron’s favored nephew, Feyd-Rautha has all it takes to uphold his family’s sadistic culture. An unmatched duelist and charismatic leader, he is the chosen na-Baron of House Harkonnen, destined to take over his uncle’s legacy."
+ Agents assigned to an enemy faction give +20% resource production to Agents on non-faction fields
"Piter is a twisted Mentat; that is a human computer, but bred on planet Tleilax with much less ethical constraints in mind that their regular counterparts."
+ Gain 100 Solari upon killing a Rebel
"Nicknamed “the Beast” after murdering his own father, the Count of Lankiveil is every bit bit as evil and corrupt as his uncle, the Baron Harkonnen. Rabban only rules through violence and terror, making him a dreaded and despised leader."
+ Instead of becoming more powerful from levelling up, your Military Units gain an additional 10% of costs refunded upon death per level
"Iakin is the Captain of the House Harkonnen guard. While regarded as decently reliable while on duty, he is a known Semuta addict, which, to some, is enough to cast doubt on all of his abilities."
+ Underworld Headquarters have +1 extension slots
"Staban is Esmar Tuek’s son and, just like his father, a renowned smuggler of various good on Arrakis, most notably Spice Melange. Like many of his people, he thrives in a harsh environment while routinely defying the highest authorities. He is a proud man who doesn’t abide by anybody’s rules but his own."
+ Smuggling Stashes appear on the map and resolving any Discovery with a unit heals 50% Supply to all units in the region
"Lingar’s business revolves around a single commodity, but one which is so rare on Arrakis, only Spice tops it in importance: water. While his extraction operations are not technically illegal, they, by nature, risky enough that Lingar had to forge an alliance with smugglers, and most notably Esmar Tuek."
+ Infiltration levels can't be lower than 1
"Drisq is Esmar Tuek’s loyal quartermaster, managing supplies and commodities for the whole Sietch. She is also regularly involved in the logistics of her master’s smuggling operations."
+ Unlocks the Hidden Explosives and Local Gang extensions in your Underworld Headquarters
"Bannerjee serves as the head of security at Tuek’s Sietch. A stout, intimidating hulk of a man with a jaded outlook on life, he is a reliable ally when it comes to protecting Esmar’s best interests."
+ Gain +1 Intel production per adjacent neutral region
"Chani is a young Fremen mothered by the famous imperial planetologist Liet-Kynes. A bold and charismatic woman and an adept fighter, she is loyal to her native people and is determined to do whatever it takes to remove any lingering Harkonnen presence from her planet."
+ Controlled regions with a Spice Field give -20% upkeep to adjacent controlled regions and to themselves
"Stilgar is the Naib—the leader—of Sietch Tabr, one of the most prominent Fremen communities on Arrakis. A wise and honorable leader, he has a soft spot for Chani Kynes, whom he regards as his niece."
+ Harvesting Teams gain Stealth and can receive 1 additional Crew
"Ramallo is an elderly Sayyadina, a rogue Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother who successfully changed the Water of Life. She therefore possesses a vast knowledge inherited from her foremothers, and her immense wisdom makes her a reverend mother figure among the Fremen."
"Otheym is a renowned and fearsome Fremen fighter who left Sietch Gara Kulon for Sietch Tabr led by Stilgar. A wise and loyal if a bit gruff man, he likes to be in the first lines, be it in combat or through experimenting with new kinds of strategies."
+ Buildings that have only one copy in a Village have +100% Solari upkeep
"Wensicia is the third daughter of Shaddam IV. She is trained in stewardship and takes care of much of the day to day logistic of the imperial palace. Her impulsiveness often causes troubles, but brings her to rapid success even more often."
+ Military Units have +10% Power per faction in Truce
"Captain Aramsham is a proud Sardaukar officer, used to wield authority over his subordinates, conscripts of the Landsraad and Sardaukar alike. Pragmatic and experienced, he is often put in charge of dangerous operations, which he always returns victorious from."
+ Can form alliances with Sietches in neutral territories
"Irulan is the eldest daughter of Shaddam IV. Her lack of brother makes her the prime candidate to become Empress at the death of her father. She received a Bene Gesserit education from her mother, but still keeps a strong ambition that often put her at odds with the Emperor."
+ Can use Development Investment on Villages of factions in Truce
"Hasimir Fenrig was once part of the Bene Gesserit breeding program, candidate for the role of Kwisatz Haderach. He was abandoned by the Bene Gesserit because of a genetic defect. Serving as a mentat and assassin for Shaddam IV, he is also His closest friend."
Coming soon...
There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.
Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.
Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit.