House Harkonnen
House Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have been called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.
"House Ecaz is known for it's touristic resorts, it's recreational drugs, and it's patronage for the Art. But behind this enticing exterior, the refined house and it's no less refined ruler, Archduchess Armanda, are ruthless and efficient defenders of their interests."
+ Each Masterpiece produces 2 Solari
"Sanya Ecaz is the eldest daughter of Armanda, and current heir to the Ecaz dynasty. Her charming personality and eclectic tastes allow her to thrive among the artistic community of the house."
+ Military Units start with 1 more Experience level
"Whitmore Bludd was a renowned instructor at the Ginaz swordmaster school. After the fall of Ginaz, he entered the service of House Ecaz, first as Ilesa's bodyguard, and then as warmaster."
+ Gain 3 Landsraad Standing upon building a Masterpiece
"Ilesa Ecaz is the second daughter of Armanda. Having barely survived an assassination attempt at the onset of adulthood, Ilesa has grown into a bitter and serious woman, with no qualms about using her infirmity to guilt people into doing her bidding."
+ Every Masterpiece in a neutral Village gives +3% Authority production to House Ecaz
+ Masterpieces are built +100% faster
"Mesa Ecaz is the youngest daughter of Armanda. She is driven and smart, always trying to encourage the use of house resources toward supporting and benefiting the people."
The squires have sworn to serve Ecazi nobility. They are used to taking the biggest blows from enemy forces, and focus on softening defences for stronger units to steal the show
House Ecaz employs a lot of professional hunters, to keep the large game population of their home planet in check, feed the court, and provide diversion. During war times, they are often hired to chase a very different quarry
Fencers trained all day, every day to be the best duelist in the universe. On the battlefield, they often take the heat off of their lesser peers
A good banner is not just a piece of fabric. It's an embodiment of everyone one fights for. As long as the War Banner stands, House Ecaz's unique blend of style and honour shall be felt by all on the battlefield
Ecazi nobility prides itself on it's bravery and martial prowess. It is customary for young nobles to follow the path of the knight, to demonstrate in the fray that they indeed possess such qualities
The Siren's elegant form and graceful flight hides a dangerous anti-material weapon. It emits colourful patterns and focused noises towards it's target, saturating sensors and softening defences of drones and ships
The Monument of Eternal Grace is a representation of the flowing nature of Art, a demonstration of Ecazi craftmanship, and a powerful weapon of war, all rolled into one
Cosmopolite Elegance
Elegance and style are the best disguises. The classy type can belong anywhere
Political Art
Art is inherently political. Some artworks assume and shape this component toward a focused objective
Influential Plots
Some people are so likeable that they can get away with anything, even publicly
Manichean Propaganda
Who does not like an epic tale with a grand conflict between good and evil? It's hard not to be moved by such a story
Native Artists
Even the savage inhabitants of a backwater planet like Arrakis are elevated by the act of creation
Prideful Crown
When you have an amazing jewel, you don't just leave it hanging around. No, you need an equally great casket to display it properly
Artistic Aspirations
Even the lowest of men want to create, to shape the world to their image. If only we could channel this primal energy into practical matters!
Cultural Tourism
Some people are attracted by the quaint and simple lifestyle of Arrakis' pyon. Why not indulge them, for a price?
National Mythos
What is the difference between a people and a crowd? A story. Good stories you can believe in are the foundation of any patriotism
Martial Perfectionism
When you really want to shine, good enough is not good enough. Everything has to be perfect
Inspiring Standard
A well-designed flag should show strength and determination, evoking exaltation from any potential onlooker
Logistical Flourish
War is won by the soldiers. But without the support of a precise logistic, they won't be able to show off their skills
House Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have been called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.
There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.
Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.
Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit.